Conveyor is the data platform that makes you ship data value faster.
Empower all data workers
Use data project templates
Deploy seamlessly
Kickstart your data platform
Effortless data project development for all
Conveyor is adopted by organizations in various industries. Proud to be part of their data journeys and see them grow
The 4 promises of Conveyor
Listen and learn how Conveyor fits in your data landscape
Conveyor is the heart of the imec data platform. It makes data science more easily accessible to imec researchers.
Wim Vancuyck
Data Architect, Imec
Conveyor accelerates the scaling and supports collaboration allowing us to focus on creating value with new data products.
Cristiana Pompei
IT Deputy Director Application Delivery, Luminus
We believe that the technical barrier to building data products should be as low as possible. Conveyor fits perfectly.
Sven Van Egmond
Head of Data, DPG Media
Try Conveyor yourself. Contact us now.
See how Conveyor allows you to speed up building data use-cases, and enables more data workers than ever before.